On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 8:42 PM, Guillermo Espertino (Gez) <gespertino@...400...> wrote:
Hi Jelle, This was OT (the thread was about faux font faces) so I changed the subject (continues below)
El 05/03/13 01:48, Jelle Mulder escribió:
As long as Inkscape doesn't really support CMYK, Hexachrome, Spot colours and the like, it can never be considered a truly professional tool for print. SVG supports named colours that might be used to simulate spot colours, but it is a rather small palette and the SVG standard just doesn't support anything but sRGB really. Pantone will not give a license to Inkscape for free I gather as they make a living on this and a good one.
Pantone wouldn't give a license, but they have their books with the CMYK and LAB values in a public website. You can grab their palettes from that website and use them un programs like Scribus (or even GIMP/Inkscape if you convert them from LAB to sRGB). Use Swatchbooker for that.
That would be an extra step :)