Hello Everyone!
The 6th annual LGM is just a few weeks away in Montreal! http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/2011/
The call for speakers is open! http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/2011/submit-talk/
and the pledgie call for funds to cover travel costs is too. http://pledgie.com/campaigns/14610
Can you please help spread the word about the pledgie campaign? Blog, Dent, Tweet, Facebook, Mailing lists - anywhere you can think of... and please feel free to just forward this mail on.
Here's a code snippet to put on your blog:
<a style="border-style:none" href="http://pledgie.com/campaigns/14610"><img src="http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/2011/donate/pledgie_banner.png"></a>
The libre graphics community itself has been one of the biggest sponsors of our main event. It's a fantastic way for all the users of free graphics tools out there to make a contribution too... but not if they don't know about it. We need your help.