Sorry about top posting but I have a HUGE issue with the fact that the Inkscape logo was not used in those images. It resembles the logo, but it is NOT our logo. It is not as clean as our logo. It was immediately noticeable to me and it is not acceptable to dilute our branding.

In the "branding" subfolder under "share", is a "draw-freely.svg" that has our old flat logo which is what should be used. This needs to be done ASAP so these incorrect ones are not redistributed.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 8:45 PM, Martin Owens <doctormo@...400...> wrote:
Dear all,

Thanks to Golden Ribbon (inkscape user and maker of recently good
tutorials) he's provided to us some graphics for encouraging more
donations through affiliate links.

They look really nice too. I've just finished adding them to the English
page on the website.

If you go to you will see the
new images and the copy-paste html if you want to add a link to your own
website to support inkscape.

Golden Ribbon is also interested in making t-shirts and other mechanise;
we don't yet have anyone (I know of) who is skilled or interested in
looking into merchandise, but maybe if we had some nice designs someone
would step forwards to add this feature.

What are your thoughts?

Best Regards, Martin Owens

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