On Sun, 2014-08-24 at 21:38 +0200, Johan Engelen wrote:
Hi Chris, Seems like a good change, so it behaves similar to bezier segments.
Then my question becomes, how to form the segment between currentPoint(x,y) and (x1,y1)? Is currentPoint(x,y) to be doubled? Would be fine to me.
The other question is, at which point to stop drawing. I read that people want 2 points to result in a straight line, i.e. M 0,0 r 1,1 should create a straight line. However, there are only 2 points there. This would need startpoint and endpoint doubling. Again, would be fine to me. It conflicts with the current draft where it is specified that drawing stops at second to last point.
Draft has probably not been fully updated. In the case you asked about, the "zeroth" point would be the second point mirrored around the first (-1,-1) and the "third" point would be the first mirrored around the second (2,2).
If there is a Bezier to Catmull-Rom transition, the "zeroth" point would be the previous "handle" point so that the line is smooth across the node. This behavior can be inhibited by inserting a 'm 0,0' into the path between the Bezier and Catmull-Rom.
regards, Johan
On 24-8-2014 21:00, Chris Lilley wrote:
Hello Johan,
Sunday, August 24, 2014, 12:19:06 PM, you wrote:
In the Catmull-Rom path specification, what is missing is how to form
the segment between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).
That has changed as of yesterday; see minutes http://www.w3.org/2014/08/23-svg-minutes.html#item03
Effectively these points are now all shifted over by one; the first drawn segment goes from currentPoint(x,y) to x1,y1 (i.e from where the previously drawn path segment ends).