On 4/28/05, François Steinmetz <francois.steinmetz@...400...> wrote:
I'd like to add a few comments on swatches aspect...
- in grid mode, maybe swatches would look better with a thin black
border, like on gimp, don't you think ? when neighbor colors look almost the same (which is likely to happen), I think it helps a lot to choose a color...
On the contrary, when neighbor colors are close, it is MUCH easier to compare them and choose one when they are just next to each other, without any borders.
- when moving over swatches, searching for a color, you want to see
its name, so you have to wait for the tooltip to come up : it would be nicer, when it's up, that it refreshes instantly when moving over other colors. i hope i'm clear...
They work fast enough for me.
- there's a focus shape on the last selected swatch... there's no
reason for keeping that, except if the "focus" is not set to the last selected swatch, but on the color of the selected object. but that's probably more than just a GUI question.
I agree, a swatch should be defocused as soon as it's pressed. I did this for the controls bar buttons.