Yes, I'm aware of the Wiki page ;-) Assuming others are too (I hope they are) it seems it is not as helpful as one might hope for, though (otherwise I can't explain the repeating questions on basic git functionality).
I think part of the problem may be that the link to the Wiki page (http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Working_with_Git) seems to be not very easy to find.
Starting from the main site at: https://inkscape.org/en/ I tried to find the Wiki-git page as follows: I went to the link Develop->Develop and found the link to the Inkscape Wiki page: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Inkscape
Here I scanned the entire first screen and saw no reference to git, so I gave up. It was only later, when I was already somewhat frustrated, that I found the link by scrolling down to where it says "Working with Git". So I found the link, but only because I already had prior knowledge that the link actually existed. Inkscape_Wiki.png http://inkscape.13.x6.nabble.com/file/t148043/Inkscape_Wiki.png - I think it would be helpful if the link to git commands were visible on the attached screenshot. - I think it would also be helpful to have few sentences outlining what can be done directly in Gitlab on the web without using git at all, since the Gitlab user-interface is considerably less intimidating than git is.
hth, Alvin
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