jEsuSdA 8) wrote:
Ronan Zeegers wrote:
I'm working on a more tango like icons style for inkscape. The screenshot is here: http://www.ronanzeegers.com/inkscape/inkscape-tangoished-v0.5.png
And feedbacks are welcome! ;)
Ronan Zeegers
First at all: great work dude!
I like tango icons and i think your work is so good and pretty.
The only thing wrong with this project is that tango icon library is licenced CC-by-share alike and this is not GPL compatible :( I ask tango icon project people about this time ago and it appears not possible a licence change in the future :(
Tango is a cool and very good project, but the CC license makes no possible to include this work in any gpl project by default. :(
As I mentioned to Ronan earlier on IRC today, as long as no cc-by-sa assets are used, the (current) licensing issues are no problem. The icons in tango-art-libre is gpl, and so is gnome-icon-theme, so stuff based on that stuff isn't a problem. - Andreas