On Thu, Jul 28, 2005 at 06:53:31PM +0200, Ralf Stephan wrote:
Hello, I have placed a section about code modules at the bottom of http://www.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?DeveloperManual containing links to ten dependency graphs which are IMHO quite interesting when mutually compared.
If you agree they should be in the distribution doc/ directory, please speak up, and I'll commit them.
These are very nice graphs; can you describe how you generated them? Is it possible that these could be automatically generated via a script? If so, then I would suggest putting that script in CVS. The drawings themselves may get out of date quickly (the codebase changes a lot), so having a way to keep them up to date would make them much more useful.
Also, I can give you access to work on the Inkscape website, if you'd like to add these to the Documentation section of the site. If so, just let me know your SF ID.