J Vaux wrote:
Message from Inkscape submission form
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name: J Vaux email: scholara@
submitted the following:
hi I'm an artist thinking of downloading inkscape - i have windows but no net access at home
will the files fit on an 128 mb flash drive?
The installer for the Windows version is a little under 17 MB.
also the faq doesnt state the size of the files or whether you have any preset shapes?
The size of the download is listed on the SourceForge download page: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=93438&package_id=9...
Inkscape does not have a package with preset shapes, but you can use the Open Clip Art Library (which is a sister project): http://openclipart.org Considering your lack of internet access and the size of your flash drive, I recommend a SVG-only package: http://openclipart.org/downloads/index.php