What kind of build times do you get when doing a complete clean build? And on what kind of machine?
Currently I'm only working on a notebook (three years old, and lets just say I bought it for the daylight readable screen and light weight, not its performance) and frankly this is starting to be a nuisance. Usually a complete build takes about six hours or so, but recently it took as much as ten hours... (Probably because part of the time I was also doing something on the side, but still.) As a stop gap measure I've now started using ccache, but obviously that doesn't help much when doing normal builds.
So I'm beginning to consider buying a new machine and am wondering what sort of improvement I can expect from what kind of machine (using a complete clean build as a kind of benchmark).
BTW, I'm running Windows with btool so this is without making use of both cores of my machine. If anyone has any tips for building Inkscape on Windows using two cores, I'd love to try it out and see how much of a difference that makes.