On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Ryan Lerch <rlerch@...43...> wrote:
- The behaviour of the docking dialogs themselves. I find it really
hard to still wrap my head around it. Each dialog opens in a seperate dialog group in the sidebar, resulting in a huge scrolled list of dialogs. You can move the dialogs into the group, which makes a tab-button selector at the bottom to switch between. Also the ability to iconify docks seems a bit strange as well. The way gimp does dialogs in the single window mode might be something to glean ideas from too. It uses the tabs at the top.
This x100. I did up a quick screenshot of 3 different dock layouts to show the flexibility (and how compact it can be). [1]
I'm definintely keen on digging into UX in inkscape further too, though this might be suited for a new thread -- or a discussion in #inkscape-devel :)
I think between the points Alexandre and you have raised, if you would be willing to do some mockups it would probably be useful to have available. I'm not saying we shouldn't discuss it further. I just think that a "visual goal" might inspire people to get into some UI code.
Cheers, Josh