On the left side of https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/ you'll see an unobtrusive grey bar labeled 'Tags'. Click on it and you'll see a list of Inkscape-specific tags. Click on a tab and it brings up the corresponding list of bugs.
Tags are a flexible mechanism for organizing bugs, sort of like with SF where we could put a bug in a category, except in LP a bug can be assigned any number of tags. Also, in SF only admins could add new categories; with LP, bug triagers can define new tags too.
Click on one of the tagged bugs. You'll see the tags listed right after the Bug description.
On the top left, click on 'Edit description/tags'. Under the fields for updating the summary and description is the Tags box. This is a simple space-delimited list of tags.
Defining a new tag is as trivial as writing a new term into this box. It's a good idea to try to use existing tags where possible; too many tags may become unmanageable.
Here's some different ideas that tags could be used for:
* Identifying the platforms the bug occurs on (e.g. 'osx', 'windows-vista', 'ubuntu-linux')
* Hook into more elaborate workflows (e.g. 'needs-testing', 'needs-performance-measurement', 'add-to-release-notes')
* Marking bugs that are all dependent on a particular feature (e.g. 'needs-animation', 'needs-multipage')
* Marking bugs that need processing by automated scripts (e.g. 'needs-all-retrace', 'render-svg-attachments')