Hi Jasper,
On 04-03-12 13:34, Jasper van de Gronde wrote:
In short: you're running into fundamental issues that are non-trivial to solve. In the near term, just apply a slight blur to your image if you have problems with Inkscape's anti-aliasing, in the long-term there are some options available to us, but changing the (default) anti-aliasing kernel is probably the last thing we want to do.
Thanks for your elaborative answer also in #cairo there was some real knowledge around on this subject. I do wonder something about your last statement. Where is the default kernel function defined? And would it be possible to have a 'fast' on screen approximation, and the option for a alternative kernel?
I have tried doing the jinc trick myself at just 2x the resolution and then scale down. (Opposed to Sandmann's 16x)
I would really like to explore things in this direction, in the short term I could obviously render a super smooth curve and stick that as bitmap in my SVG file, but as you understand this is not sustainable.