There is a good reason for this: 0.44 was released a few days after ubuntu 6.06.
Okay. :'( Any idea how long before it's in the ubuntu repo? I would prefer to keep apt-get in control of packages.
I just noticed that someone put instructions here : http://inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/CompilingUbuntu that will keep Apt in charge of the latest version of Inkscape. Essentially, the instructions create a .deb file, and install it. If a newer version is released in the repositories, that version will replace your custom .deb file.
So, you have to build, but Apt stays in charge.
Follow the directions from the title "Dapper" down to the line that talks about SVN. It's good to also read the SVN notes as it talks about checkinstall, which lets you build anything from source, but make APT aware of the final result.
This wasn't in the Wiki last time I read it, so thanks to whoever put it there!