> These are the things I've been digging into in the past few years:
> - What does SP stand for (took me a while to find that out)
> - What's the purpose of each of these classes: SPDocument, SPView, SPNamedView, SPCanvas
> - How does Inkscape handle multiple open documents and multiple views
> - Actions, Verbs, shortcuts, ...
> - How does inkscape go from parsing the XML file to storing the objects,
> - How are these objects displayed, modified, and saved again to XML
> - How are changes from the XML (editor) propagating to the objects, and vice versa
> - Where does the GUI hook into this?
> - What about filters, LPEs, ....
> - Rendering on screen, vs. rendering for printing, vs. rendering for exporting
> - Extensions, python/javascript API, DBus, command line interface
> I don't think we need very detailed information on all this stuff (although that would help too), but at least it should be authoritative, with useful pointers and references. Figuring out the details is not a problem.
> Diederik
Isn't some of that covered in doc/ ?