An update on my post of two month ago:
On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 15:24:09 -0500, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
Here's a list of layer commands that we need to implement, comments and additions welcome:
Layers... // opens the Layers dialog
This seems to have stalled pending the Gtkmm conversion. Bryce & Jizzbug, what are your current plans on this? E.g. I have in mind a feature which I'm holding back because it will require a new dialog, and I don't want to start a new dialog before the conversion. When is the next step after putting the Gtkmm code into the tree?
Move to Layer Above Shift+PgUp // move selection to the top of sibling layer above, or to the top of parent layer (but not root) if no siblings Move to Layer Below Shift+PgDn // move selection to the top of sibling layer below, or to the bottom of parent layer (but not root) if no siblings
done (by me)
Move to Layer... // let me choose the layer name to move selection to
Unlock All Layers // unlock all layers in the document (or all siblings of the current layer?) Unhide All Layers
Unlock All in Layer // unlock all children of the current layer Unhide All in Layer
Group to Layer // convert group to layer Layer to Group
not done, and here's another one we need:
Flatten layers // merge all siblings with the current layer