Hello Folks, It's that time again, I hope everyone is having a happy holidays! I am writing to you all in an urge to complete the new website within the next couple of months. I know we have all been busy with the holidays and what not. Here's a brief update on that status.
The website in regards to the design elements have been completed almost all the bare bones pages have been completed and implemented into the design. The design can be seen at dev.inkscape.org . and of course the code can be viewed at https://code.launchpad.net/~inkscape-webadmin . The backend code has been partially implemented however a lot is still missing such as user accounts login etc and a web based editor. I'd like to take a moment to thank Chris Morgan for porting over all the pages an Hinerangi Courtenay for the actual design as well as the various others. I can't name everyone in this email but it's definitely been a team effort.
On that note there's still a lot to be done. Here's what I think our best plan of attack is. I think our best plan of attack is to take the current site and all of it's factors and put it into a solution such as pinax ( http://pinaxproject.com/) Using pinax allows us to make a custom website without having to have all the components of a CMS but it allows us to easily implement various things with little effort such as account management profiles etc and web based editing. Overall it shouldn't be too much work but we need someone with python/django experience to port our current code/design elements to pinax.
From there once it's implemented we will then of course need the various
translation teams to finish translating the content and to port over the rest of the news. So today I am looking for anyone with django/python experience to contribute to getting this website finished. I need people who are motivated and willing to push forward and get this done in the least amount of time possible. If you're willing to contribute or have any further questions on the inkscape website please feel free to reply to this email or to me directly via email or irc (msg inc) Also if there is a company that would like to sponsor development of the website or put in hours. We're willing to list you as a contributor on the website development page. In the past this project has kind of been put a little bit on the back burner due to everyones time constraints which is completely understandable but any help we can get would be great. Thank you, Ian Caldwell