On Sat, 2007-08-18 at 13:31 +0200, Tobias Jakobs wrote:
Am Freitag, den 17.08.2007, 21:48 -0300 schrieb Bruno Dilly:
- opened File -> Import from OPAL First hint, please write openclipart.org or Open Clip Art Library and not OCAL.
Right, I changed it.
Nice, thanks.
WARNING **: Could not find the Open Clip Art Library rss feed. Verify ...
OK, to avoid it, now Inkscape displays an error dialog.
Much better.
- What is the right URL?
The URL of the library you want to use: openclipart.org
- Why is it configurable?
I let it configurable for two reasons:
- if someone want to use another library based on ccHost (maybe he
want to create one for his work group, or something like that) he could change the URL, and it should work fine.
- if Open Clip Art Library changes its url, the Inkscape user won't
need to download a new version of Inkscape (OK, I believe the probability of this happen is near 0)
But there are any problem letting it configurable? What the other guys think about it?
My vote would be to have it in the config file but not in the UI. But if we let it in the dialog I'd like to have a button to set it to default (openclipart.org).
Yes, should have in the dialog IMO and a quick way to set to default.
Perhaps add an category Import/Export and move the other import/export related preferences into that new category too.
I could do that, but I really didn't find the other import/export related preferences. What are them?
- Default Export resolution
- Import bitmap as <image>
- your 3
Perhaps you can add a button that lings to the registration page from OCAL(http://openclipart.org/media/register) or even better make a dialog to create a new account.
Yes, agree, this needs to be part of it...
The other think that I don't like is that the password is saved in plain text in the preferences.xml. Perhaps you can find a better solution here.
When I was coding it, I thank the same thing. So I took a look in the Gaim and SVN approaches, and they save in plain text, too. I could give the option to input your username and password when you try to export the document, so it won't be stored. But you will have to do it everytime. What do you think about it?
Everything is better then saving it plain text. I think Bryce proposal for keeping the password in memory but only prompt once at first use per Inkscape session sounds good. As you are using gnome-vfs (btw does it work witt Windows?) berhaps it's the best to use GNOME Keyring for the password. Perhaps with an configure option, so we will have no problems on MacOS or Windows.
Regards, Tobias
Yes, this sounds like a good practice...
Bruno, my general comments are that on import, the tag search is funky. I think that it would be good to start the search upon change of focus of the search window (like tab), and also, there *has* to be a little search button to the right of the search terms, otherwise, ppl. don't know that hitting <return> actually does anything...
After I figured that out, dude, totally cool to see all my clipart on search of tag 'rejon'!!!!
It will be great to see how export works more once you finish that up in your gsoc sprint ;)
The ui for the import could be a bit more unified into the inkscape UI, and, I wonder if anyone on Inkscape-devel has suggestions to this effect, as well as ideas for better names on the menu verbs?
Sweet! Keep em coming, last day for gsoc is monday!!!