I finished the first release of the "algorithmic documentation". You can use the same link from before to download it: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vinipsmaker/libdepixelize/trunk/view/head:/the%...
My initial prediction of the number of pages went wrong, but this ain't a problem, because the important thing is the content.
I don't wanna to use copyrighted (but copyrighted creative commons is fine) material in the document, then the document is lacking a good example for the "extra color information" heuristics that I developed. The best example for the extra color information till now is the Boo example (attached in this email) and I wanna the help of anyone willing to create a pixel art sprite that uses a similar color pallete and release it under some creative commons or alike. Anyone wanting to help me with this task?
Em Qui, 2013-09-26 às 17:07 +0200, Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz escreveu:
El jue, 26-09-2013 a las 10:44 -0300, Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira escribió:
I forgot to include the link
Great work!
Thanks Jabier. =)