I'll go over the list and see if I can trim it down to what seems likely to be achieved within this timeframe. Getting a release out by the end of the month sounds like a good target. Lots of progress has been made over the past few weeks, so a release is quite warranted. Especially with the great work done on the Windows package.
OK, a few organizational points:
- Please take time review/expand the 0.37 release notes on wiki. I've been writing them alone and may have missed something. (By the way I've recently rearranged many wiki pages, removing obsolete material into WikiAttic - please don't delete it, it's our history.)
- It may be worthwhile to expand the list of places where to make the announcement. Not all such places can be added to inkscape-announce, because that list carries more than just release announcements, and there are places where we only want to announce releases. One obviously missing place is the Sodipodi devel list. Please add other places to the CreatingDists wiki page.
- Bryce, I think you've posted the December project status - I don't see it on the site's front page? Its last news is from Dec 22.
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