On 10/17/07, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
On 10/17/07, Joshua Blocher <verbalshadow@...400...> wrote:
I mean actually showing the color in the center of the stop think square, circle, or diamond with a fill of the stops current color shown is if it had a white background so transparent(colors with low opacity) show up better.
You have that color displayed in the selected style indicator in the statusbar, when the handle is selected.
Right thats is very much true, but I'm not sure there is any reason to have to select a handle/stop to see the color of it. I think that it will increase awareness and usabiltiy when dealing with complex or multi gradients on top on each other or any case were the color you see is not going to be color you get in the stop. I don't have much free time but I'm willing to work on it, but will need guidiance.
Joshua L. Blocher verbalshadow
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org