Hi Everyone,
A quiet meeting this month, most issues were chatting about details, some omitted here.
Event: https://inkscape.org/cals/event/1/ Attending: Mikekov, Martin, Tav, René, Ishaan Next meeting: July 10th 2024
* Martin and Tav reviewed the Bug accelerator program, making sure hours and tasks completed are reported and how the program might be improved next time. Finding issues to do was an issue for Tav who didn't have the link to the milestone page.
* René wanted to review the release plan with Marc taking a break. We won't know more about if we'll have a tag this week or next but we'll try and keep everyone up to date.
* Several people now don't have access to the Rocket Chat, because we are hesitant to upgrade it but at the same time need Jonathan and René and others to be able to continue to access the chat from their phones.
* Tav reviewed the GSoC projects and each of the students.
* We talked about macOS and some os the issues there now Tav has had a chance to look at some os the issues. We talked about the way the recent files' menu doesn't have tooltips and how to help remidy that. Some issues with fonts, some issues with Gtk4 were discussed.
* Mikekov has been working on the supplimental color pickers and color wheel improvements. He's added a new color wheel type and has been looking of the speed issues with the new code.
* Several people have had issues compiling on windows linking errors. Mikekov gave up trying to do development on windows for now.
* We all reviewed the terrible delay in getting computers bought by the project and how we can work around the issue by buying the machines are getting reimbursed from the SFC instead. This is the action that Tav has taken, and Adam may also do this. Though we are aware of the restrictions this places on people who don't have the capital to purchas machines out of their own pockets. So we need a better system in any case.
* Ishaan got a macOS from work and has been testing various things in 1.4 and 1.5. 1.5 seems to have the best experience on macOS. Has continued to work on selection changes, currently stuck on a problem with units. Martin helped walk through all the different coordinate systems in inkscape.
* Ishaan also wanted to ask about a new contributor who is having issues building windows but is always communicating in private messages despite being asked not to. Ishaan wanted advice on how to handle it. Martin gave some advice about being clear and setting boundries and explaining why it's a problem to ask in the wrong channels. Hopefully it won't need more moderation.
Best Regards, Martin Owens