Hi Ali,
Yes, this is quite fine, and allowed under our license. Please let me know if you have any questions on this.
We are going to soon be releasing a new version 0.42.1; I don't know exactly when this will be ready but if your schedule allows for it, I would highly recommend using that version instead of 0.42. 0.42.1 contains a number of critical bug fixes found by various users of 0.42.
Thanks, Bryce
On Thu, Aug 18, 2005 at 02:48:18PM +0100, Ali Jennings wrote:
Dear Bryce,
I am the CD-Rom editor for MacFormat magazien based in the uk ( www.macformat.co.uk ) I would like to ask if you would be happy if we included your inscape software on our cover mounted CD ROM. Could you let me know if this will be possible?
Kind regards,
Ali Jennings Inkscape
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