I'll probably be told to file and RFE, but...
Is there by chance an option that I don't know of so that Inkscape can remember where you've moved the "anchor" or center of rotation for an object for future use? As far as I know, currently when you move that little + ("anchor") to some other position, when you switch to move mode and then back to rotation mode, the "anchor" is centered on the object again. It would be helpful for going back to edit objects between sessions of work (and even within the same one), if it could remember where you last had it. One thing that would be helpful either way though is for you to be able to do our new favorite "ctrl+click" on the anchor to get it back to the center of the object again. (yes I know it's easy and I can switch selector modes and go back and it's back in the center, but not switching tools is even easier than that)
And this ties into a thought I had about Inset/Outset... would it be possible to have those functions "weighted"? Basically by using that "anchor" like for rotation, it could possibly pull the inset offset in a different direction other than purely centered. I guess the equivalent for how it would function would almost be like on radial gradients how you can pull the center to some other location and it "weights" the coloring. I know that the inset/outset stuff currently is a fixed amount so it will probably not work, but it was just a thought. I'm sure that once we also have the object transform (from one shape to another) that will probably handle what I'm looking for too though.