On Fri, Apr 15, 2005 at 05:26:42PM -0400, mental@...3... wrote:
Quoting bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...>:
On 4/15/05, mental@...3... <mental@...3...> wrote:
Not sure that's blowing them off, exactly. We don't really have the rights to make any license arrangements BUT the GPL.
Actually we have, but only if we achieve the agreement of _all_ authors of the code, which is not realistic.
Well, by "we", I meant the current Inkscape developers, not all authors. I would be surprised if e.g. Lauris would be very cooperative.
Not that I would blame him in this case; if COMPUTERBILD want to distribute Inkscape, the GPL is good enough.
Probably this is new territory for them though; they're likely used to negotiating special licensing arrangements for packaging proprietary demos on their CDs, and their procedures are probably oriented towards that. Here, they may require a bit of hand-holding from us.
Right, and that's what I was referring to originally. I wasn't sure what quantity of handholding time is worth putting in. I definitely do NOT want to do anything with providing any license arrangements other than GPL, the question is just how much effort is worth putting in for people unfamiliar with inclusion of GPL software.
Beyond the difficulty in gaining everyone's agreement about different license conditions is the danger of confusing the license situation. What we have currently (GPL) gives a clear position. IMHO, time invested by a magazine to learn how to incorporate a GPL'd application will benefit them in the long run, and open them to including further OSS products in the future, which helps all of us.
Anyway, I guess I'll try to squeeze some time into drafting a License Agreement that basically says, "You may redistribute under terms of the GPL", with our take on what exactly that means. For example, that they must include a source tarball in addition to any binary packages, etc. But generally treat it just as a commentary for them on the GPL in our view moreso than a license agreement per se.
But my main question remains - has anyone actually seen this magazine in a news stand? They claim it's "the" major software publication in Europe so I'm a little surprised I've never heard of it before.