Did you read the paragraph beneath the one you quoted? Perhaps I should go into this idea in greater detail.

The way this would then work out is:
Save -- To Inkscape SVG only
Save As -- no longer used
Save a Copy -- basically making a duplicate of the file, good for backups/revisions
Export -- new file in any supported format exported from any area of the document, including the entire document itself.

If there are red flags in terms of removing Save As, think about it.
Save As copies the current document, renames it, with the option to save it as a different format.
Save a Copy is much more intuitive, as this will simply just save a copy of the current document only in Inkscape SVG while letting the user rename the document, so this is good for keeping revisions (big_project-1c.svg, big_project-2a.svg, etc), this is valuable.
Save should not save to any other format than Inkscape SVG, because any other way, information is lost, and this isn't really a real save.

TIFF would be a logical format to add along with JPEG and PNG as bitmap formats in the Export pane as well.

- Alex

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 5:31 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine@...1857...00...> wrote:
On 4/14/10, Alex Trujillo wrote:

> I noticed nobody replied to my earlier message,

I'm sorry about that :(

> What I want to do is, well, to enhance the export system of Inkscape, make
> it more intuitive and integrated by merging the Export As and Save As
> dialogs together into a single pane, with selection features that were
> developed for the bitmap exporter also being able to work with vector export
> / saving.

Um, we sort of had an agreement, or at least an understanding :) that
we want to further separate export from saving.

Saving should be possible only for file formats we can reliably open,
edit and save back. The rest is exporting. That makes:

File > Save -- to just save an SVG, Plain SVG of Clean SVG
File > Save As > same, but save under a different name
File > Save a Copy > same, create a new file from current document
without opening it
File > Export > all the EPS, PDF and so on

But it needs doing.

However, what also needs doing is having more file formats available
in the exporting dialog. E.g. exporting selections to SVG, EPS and PDF
is still one of quite popular request from what I remember. And of
course some people are missing exporting to TIFF.


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