What about just 0.50, if 0.5 doesn't work? We would come to that anyway soon enough.
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Guillermo Espertino (Gez) <gespertino@...400...> wrote:
El 24/10/13 11:22, Alex Valavanis escribió:
@Guillermo - Version numbers aren't decimals. The period separates major & minor release identifiers. i.e., "0.9" is "major = 0, minor = 9", so it is lower than the current "major = 0, minor = 48" releases. 0.91 was suggested instead of 0.90 to avoid this possible confusion.
I understand, but notice how users (like me, for instance) read it :-)
For regular people used to decimals, 0.5 is halfway to 1, and 0.5 is more than 0.48.
Anyway, I get it and what Krzysztof pointed out about package managers makes my entire point moot.
Just wanted to comment about a potential communication issue with users. From this side, jumping from 0.49 to 0.91 is... wtf :.p
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