We need some Windows users to help us with some of the bugs that have been reported, that don't appear to be present on Linux.
If you're a Windows user, this is really important, because when 0.41 comes out you'll have a more stable tool than you would otherwise. ;-)
Basically, we need you to test out what's described in the bug report and see if you have the same problem, and then add a comment indicating whether or not you could reproduce it.
Any additional information you can provide on these bugs will be helpful. See the Reporting Bugs page on the main website for details.
Go to the Bug Tracker on SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=93438&atid=604306
Select "Status=Open", "SortBy=Priority/Descending", and test the bugs of priority 9.
If you have a SourceForge account, please log in, so we can contact you if we need you to test something out. Or leave your name or email address if you don't have an account.
Thanks, Bryce