On Sun, May 11, 2014, at 02:40 PM, Johan Engelen wrote:
I may have fixed it in rev. 13357.
(I think glibmm has changed such that it is now bad to include any subfiles, one has to include the top file <glibmm.h> instead. I could very well be wrong, though, it fixed the issue for me on Windows with the versions in Partha's devlibs  for 64-bit)
I believe that is the case for glib but not glibmm nor the other C++ wrappers. I checked the git repository for the current glibmm.h file, and it includes the following:

* Include the glibmm header, plus giomm if necessary:
* @code
* #include <glibmm.h>
* #include <giomm.h>
* @endcode
* (You may include individual headers, such as @c glibmm/ustring.h instead.)
Doing some spot-checking of the individual includes does not show anything was added to force top-level including as is done with the bare C original library (as opposed to the *mm C++ wrapped versions).
Jon A. Cruz