Sorry in advance, this is a composite-topic email.
1) Launchpad question - am I ok so far?
Being new to bzr/launchpad I'm a bit confused yet. What I would
liked to do is to branch the 0.48.x branch and apply/rewrite some of
my former patches to there (not the 0.49.x, because unfortunately my
libs seem to be too old to compile it).
I branched lp:inkscape/0.48.x, and also pushed it to a custom branch
lp:~palotai-robin/inkscape/0.48.x . Now at the bottom of the
launchpad page, it tells that it is "stacked on lp:inkscape",
where I would expect it to be lp:inkscape/0.48.x. Is this ok?
2) Some compilation errors with the 0.48.x trunk
I used 'configure --disable-lcms', gcc 4.3.2, x86, Debian Linux
(lenny), glib 2.22.4, glibmm 2.16.4, gtk 2.12.12, gtkmm 2.12.7
(according to the package manager).
2A) The error mentioned here: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/35338
Solution was to include "io/sys.h" in color-profile.cpp
2B) Gtk::IconTheme::load_icon doesn't have default third parameter
on my system, while inkscape uses the two-param version at two
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pb = iconTheme->load_icon(
it->second, *it2 );
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pb =
iconTheme->load_icon( it->second, *it2, (Gtk::IconLookupFlags)
0 );
- Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pb =
iconTheme->load_icon( it->second, *it2 );
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pb =
iconTheme->load_icon( it->second, *it2, (Gtk::IconLookupFlags)
0 );
3) How do I commit these patches?
Having these fixed, what is the expected lp/bzr procedure for create
bug/commit patch?
4) Is adding new features (those I originally wanted) on the
0.48.x branch is in vain?
If it is a corrections only branch, then maybe it is in vain.
But I can't compile for 0.49, so maybe creating the patches for
0.48 would make it easier to merge them in 0.49 eventually.
Thank you,