- [ 942328 ] relative image paths instead of absolute
Can be closed. I think the issue with the path is now fixed. Example under win2k and Mandrake10 : a create a "project" directory, copy there the bitmaps needed, create there the SVG file(s) b work (!) (ie import some bitmaps) c create zip/tgz of the project directory, and send it somewhere else (mail/move) d unzip/untgz and open the svg file -> OK, the bitmaps are correctly linked/loaded in Inkscape
- [ 922750 ] Inkscape ignores file extentions when exporting a file
and [ 993210 ] Exporting to .jpeg The extension problems comes from the fact that Inkscape only bitmap-export to png. Maybe the use of a filter/pipe based on imageMagick or similar would allow to close this
Although ImageMagick would allow many more formats Inkscape already uses GDKPixbuf for import and it should be relatively easy to also use it for Jpeg export. An ImageMagick extension would still be great in the long term.
- Alan