On 4/14/06, John Taber <jtaber@...480...> wrote:
- SVG support in OpenOffice (not exactly Inkscape development, but
would allow Inkscape users to paste in art rather than having to export to png and really promote usuage of Inkscape). Not to mention eliminating all those duplicate svg/png image files!
Ishmal just committed odg export :)
- If the "save linked images" issue hasn't been resolved yet and needs
additional work
Yes, but it's pretty simple to do, IMHO not enough for a whole SOC project.
- more potrace development (convert right from scanner or digital
camera card / gphoto / digikam)
Hmm, why should we care about the user's harware?
- extending the online InkscapeSVG stuff - might be very cool for
sharing sketches, etc
What if we build instead a public whiteboard server for Inkscape users, with a web site of its own, user galleries, interest groups, scheduled drawathons, connections to OCAL, etc.?
Admitted, for this to be possible, we really need to make whiteboard to work on Windows...
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org