Thanks to you Brynn! Great article.
El lun, 08-06-2015 a las 10:55 -0600, Brynn escribió:
Hi Friends, I thought I'd use the list for you to review the article, before it goes on the website (since apparently there is some urgency, and this will be faster). It's attached. When I first decided what questions to ask, I was asking questions I would be interested to learn, as an Inkscape user. Unfortunately, to meet the requirements for the article, I wasn't able to use much of the information that you all so patiently provided and explained. I really would like to write a much longer article, where much more details are provided. So this turned out to be "the "Readers' Digest" version". Please let me know if any edits are needed. We'll hope to get this up on the live site before the end of the week. It will first be published with 1 photo, but if that group photo shows up, I'd like to edit that in later (assuming that doesn't break any rules for the News articles) (to add a photo later after the article is published). Thank you very much. It was a pleasure getting to know you all a little better, and learning a little more about your programming world.
All best, brynn