Some remarks:
- The spin controls are higher than their related edit fields and therefore look a bit out of order. (But that's also the case on normal resulution displays.) - The GTK standard icons should all be replaced by Inkscape (SVG) icons to avoid the blurriness and have the same style throughout the UI. - The width of the edit fields should resize with the higher resolution. - The Fill and Stroke field looks cut off. (Might be a similar problem as with the edit field width.)
Besides that points it looks really great.
On 11 December 2014 at 10:02, Yann Papouin <yann.papouin@...400...> wrote:
I take the subject to ask where the entry boxes dimensions are set or hard coded ? Because in a daily use, the default width is really too small.
2014-12-11 0:02 GMT+01:00 Jon A. Cruz <jon@...18...>:
On Wed, Dec 10, 2014, at 01:58 PM, Johan Engelen wrote:
On 21-11-2014 23:35, Johan Engelen wrote:
Hi all, I just added high-dpi awareness to the Win64 manifest. It makes all the icons pretty tiny on my system, but I think it's a
in the right direction. :)
I have added a high-dpi gtkrc file to devlibs64. This makes Inkscape look pretty nice on a 4k monitor. See http://i.imgur.com/K1YPOQY.png Some things are suboptimal: many text entry boxes are too short, size of mouse cursors and object handles, tolerance on gridline grabbing, ...). But Inkscape is quite usable on high dpi. Note that our own icons look great compared to stock GTK2 icons. Great job on that guys! Gtk3 should have better high-dpi support, have not tested that yet with a recent Gtk3 version.
To use the high-dpi theme:
- delete inkscape\share\themes\MS-Windows\gtk-2.0\gtkrc
- rename inkscape\share\themes\MS-Windows\gtk-2.0\gtkrc-hidpi to gtkrc
Great! Glad you got that worked out.
One thing I was wondering was how does it compare to the Large Print gtk themes out there? Those were used a fair bit in working out the better icon scaling behavior.
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