On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 6:24 AM, Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine@...400...> wrote:
2009/1/5 Ted Gould wrote:
Seems useful to me. I'm curious if it should be put somewhere other than on the Extensions menu though. Something like Object->Find Similar or some such. I'd like to see Extensions that ship by default start to move to more logical locations in the menu structure.
That's my longtime desire :)
Putting an extension to another menu has been possible for a long time. But the problem is not that. The trouble is that extensions have a clumsy UI, with "locking" etc. That's why I would prefer them to stay in their "Extensions" reservation :) If you want this command out of there, just rewrite it as part of the core, to give it smoother integrated UI.