2013/7/26 Arshdeep Singh <moduli16@...400...>:
I did put the default argument in the declaration only too. I remember trying the three cases: 1.) Default argument in declaration only 2.) Default argument in definition only 3.) Default argument in declaration and definition both.
All three cases gave the same error. In the third case the error was repeated twice.
If you are trying to write this in the gimpcolorwheel.c file, then it's a C file and as such is compiled by the C compiler, not the C++ compiler. Plain C does not have default arguments. You can fix this by converting it to a C++ file - use the 'bzr mv' command to change the extension. But a far better idea is to leave this file alone, and write your own GObject class InkRecolorWheel that derives from GimpColorWheel. This way it will be much easier to update GimpColorWheel from GIMP sources in the future.
Regards, Krzysztof