By your "file structure" what do you mean? Basically if you have .41
a previous version) installed, all you need to do is unzip the every-4-hour builds into a _different_ directory. (basically your
install is your stable one, and then you have a separate folder for
CVS builds)
I have been copying the files into the same directory. Would just copying the downloaded files into a new directory create any problems for me vis a vis the Windows Registry?
- Kevin Wixson
Nope, shouldn't be any problems at all... inkscape uses "User data" folders on both Windows & Linux to take care of you prefs and such (by user data folers I mean it's within your "Documents and Settings" stuff. I'd recommend reinstalling a "stable" copy though, just to have on hand. And then just creating a new dir for the CVS builds. For example you could have inkscape and an inkscape-cvs folder in my Program Files dir (or anywhere else), and it would work great.
NOTE: you will have to manually create a shortcut to your cvs version for easy access. If you are in the inkscape-cvs folder (or whatever you named it) in windows explorer and grab the exe file with the mouse and hold the "ALT" key, that'll be the easiest method to create a shortcut.