On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 10:23 PM, Brynn <brynn@...3133...> wrote:
"As far as I can tell there is no fee for Gratipay service - it is fuelled by
direct donations - https://gratipay.com/about/pricing - the fees above
are set by payment providers. Well, except Bitcoin, but this needs

further clarifications. Last time I've heard about that, the Coinbase was


Well, that seems in direction contradiction to what is stated in Terms of Service, #9.

If the fees explained there are not for contributions or donations, or only for credit card transactions, it should be clarified.

Thanks for pointing this out. Looks like a huge FAIL to me, because
Gratipay is all about openness. =) I've started a table to contain fees
that Gratipay users are charged by different providers, but terms of
usage definitely need to be updated. For now, the process can be
tracked here: