On Tue, 09 Jun 2009 15:43:01 +0100, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 6:45 AM, Thomas Worthington<thomas@...2129...> wrote:
It doesn't actually change the font for me. The name in the box changes but as soon as I start to type it reverts to whatever the previous setting was. If I select some already placed text, highlight the characters and then select a new font then the name in the fontbox doesn't even change.
Descriptions in terms of "change" and "select" are too ambiguous to debug, given the granularity of GTK stupidity :) Please send me a scenario detailed to the maximum: exactly what keys and mouse buttons you press in what order, starting with launching a new copy of the program. Also, I assume you can recompile Inkscape, so that I can remotely debug your problem by inserting some debug output?
1. Start Inkscape. 2. Click on text tool (ie, the capital A in the toolbar). Bitstream Vera Sans appears in the text toolbar drop-down 3. Click on the down arrow to select a new font. Wait 9 to 11 seconds for menu to appear. 3. Select "Adobe Caslon Pro". The drop-down now displays "Adobe Caslon Pro". 4. Click on the canvas to start typing. Text cursor appears and starts flashing. 5. Start typing. The selected font reverts to Vera Sans, and that is displayed in the drop-down. 6. Change the font in the drop down back to Caslon (without leaving the text object created at step 4) and continue typing. Font reverts again to Vera Sans. 7. Finish typing by pressing escape. 8. Select the text object using the mouse and the normal pointer (the big arrow icon in the toolbar). 9. Open the "Text and Font (Ctrl+Shift+T)" dialogue. 10. Select and apply Caslon. The actual font used in the text object changes to Caslon as it should. 11. Click on "Set as Default" 12. Close Text and Font dialogue. 13. Create a new text object as per steps 2 and 3. Text cursor flashes and the current font is displayed as Caslon in the dropdown. 14. Start typing. Font reverts to Vera Sans.
The same happens with fonts other than Caslon. Sometimes, when I start Inkscape, the font it insists on reverting to is something other than Vera Sans; usually something I had used the previous time I was working with Inkscape. But it seems to always return to Vera Sans eventually.
That any clearer? I can certainly compile with some debug code added and send you the output if you want.