On Fri, 2008-03-14 at 23:20 +0100, jiho wrote:
-- BZR ----------------------------
- already integrated in launchpad: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/tutorials/using_bazaar_with_launchpad.h...
- Associating branches to bugs
- Associating branches to blueprints
- Changes state of bugs in LP when committing in Bazaar
- Web interface for creating branches quickly and easily
I don't know if this is overlap, but I think a strong advantage of BZR is that there is publicly available hosting. So if a new contributor wants to provide a change they either have to make a diff, or find some way to host their branch. The later is taken care of already for us in the BZR case. So, I guess the bullet point is:
+ publicly available hosting
The other BZR plus for me is the PQM solution where one can set up a situation where something like "make check" is run on every commit. (see Jon's earlier e-mail) I realize this could be built with other systems, but again it is already build and maintained for us. Bullet:
+ commit based build checking tool available
A minor plus:
+ Bazaar is a part of the GNU project
And lastly:
+ Ted's used it before and hasn't been offended ;)