Hi Ivan. I have a present for you! I dont remember where find it, but is a set of SVG Experimental Filters, but i dont have time now to investigate this lovely staff, maybe in the future... Best regards, Jabier.
-----Mensaje original----- De: Ivan Louette <ivan_louette@...48...> Reply-to: Ivan Louette <ivan_louette@...48...> Para: jabier.arraiza@...2893... <jabier.arraiza@...2893...> Cc: inkscape-devel inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Asunto: Re: [Inkscape-devel] Blue print Strokes That Can "Travel" AstromanPete BluePrint Fecha: Tue, 25 Dec 2012 11:56:54 +0000 (GMT)
Hi Jabier,
Thanks for your interest. At the moment I am only able to create svg filters and lack of time to learn coding. But if I had this time I would be interested to do the kind of work you do.
Regards, ivan
________________________________________________________________________ De : Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz <jabier.arraiza@...2893...> À : Ivan Louette <ivan_louette@...48...> Cc : inkscape-devel inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Envoyé le : Lundi 24 décembre 2012 20h28 Objet : Re: [Inkscape-devel] Blue print Strokes That Can "Travel" AstromanPete BluePrint
Hi Ivan. I start playing whith the Sketch LivePreview and is Impresionant! I only see one thing i want more, profile saver. When i have time go to make the live effects you comment. Hi, Jabier.
-----Mensaje original----- De: Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz <jabier.arraiza@...2893...> Reply-to: jabier.arraiza@...2893... Para: Ivan Louette <ivan_louette@...48...> Cc: inkscape-devel inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Asunto: Re: [Inkscape-devel] Blue print Strokes That Can "Travel" AstromanPete BluePrint Fecha: Mon, 24 Dec 2012 12:15:34 +0100
Thanks very much Ivan. Its a good starting point. Hi, Jabier.
-----Mensaje original----- De: Ivan Louette <ivan_louette@...48...> Reply-to: Ivan Louette <ivan_louette@...48...> Para: jabier.arraiza@...2893... <jabier.arraiza@...2893...>, inkscape-devel inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Asunto: Re: [Inkscape-devel] Blue print Strokes That Can "Travel" AstromanPete BluePrint Fecha: Mon, 24 Dec 2012 10:33:44 +0000 (GMT)
Hi Javier, what you mean seems to be an improvement of the Sketch LPE, didn't it ?
In a close area perhaps you could be interested to turn some extensions into LPE (because that could be so sweet if they were non destructive !)
I thing for example :
1° a combination of Extensions/Modify path/Add Nodes and Extensions/Modify path/Jitter nodes
2° an improvement of Extensions/Modify path/Fractalize
Regards, ivan
________________________________________________________________________ De : Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz <jabier.arraiza@...2893...> À : inkscape-devel inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Envoyé le : Lundi 24 décembre 2012 9h24 Objet : [Inkscape-devel] Blue print Strokes That Can "Travel" AstromanPete BluePrint
Hi to all. Searching the blue prints, find this from AstromanPete https://blueprints.launchpad.net/inkscape/+spec/sketch-mode-contour-drawing
I want to develop it, but whith diferences, i want to use Caligraphic or brush tool to allow if the user want random whith,opacity... in each variation. The only thing you lost using brush instead freehand, is the abbility to use beizer node to manipulate. Maybe the both things could be better.
I dont have the email of the user and dotn know whats the better way to comunicate whith him.
Hi and sorry for my english.
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