Well my first post to the list, without actually having received a digest yet, is to ask Bryce how he made the over-under effect in the celtic knot in the screenshot.
Celtic knots are a fascination of mine: http://members.rogers.com/rcrosbie/celtic_svg.htm (older drawings)
I use SVG to create plans for my woodworking hobby. http://members.rogers.com/rcrosbie/woodworking.htm
I browsed the wiki and saw the celtic knot plugin idea. I'm naturally all for it. :) Douglas Zongker has a neet celtic knot generator using a tiling method with output in postscriot here: http://isotropic.org/uw/knot/
I really hope I can provide some input to inkscape in the future.
Cheers, Rob. http://members.rogers.com/rcrosbie
PS. I hope there are no flag posts. :)
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