Can we create some historical branches on launchpad and upload the old release tarballs there?
Hi Brynn,
It looks like internet archive has it all (or at least one page):
perhaps just donate to IA?
On Tue, Jun 02, 2015 at 11:40:40PM -0600, Brynn wrote:
> Hi Friends,
> While I don't have much to do with programming and development, and
> don't have much need to save old files, I think keeping some sort of history
> of Inkscape's development should be important for the community of any
> project of Inkscape's caliber.
> Unfortunately, since I don't have have any kind of training or
> experience with keeping the history (or archive or library), of any
> organization or community (whether proprietary or open source), I can't
> offer any ideas. But I agree with ~suv that something important will be
> lost on June 14, unless we can come up with some way to retain this
> historical info.
> (And I also agree, having just come across this article the other
> day:
> that leaving them unattended on SF is NOT a good idea.)
> Given my lack of experience with this sort of thing, the only thing
> I can think of, would be finding place to keep the files (where they won't
> be "adopted" by SF) and writing some sort of text document, that includes
> the dates they were originally uploaded, which also links to those files,
> wherever they end up being stored.
> That's probably quite a naive thought, but the best I can think of.
> It's simple enough that I could do it, and I would volunteer to write such a
> document, if that's the only way. But there probably is a much better way,
> that I'm just not aware of.
> All best,
> brynn
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "su_v" <suv-sf@...233.....58...>
> Sent: Monday, June 01, 2015 9:10 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] Decommission SourceForge Downloads
> > On 2015-05-31 23:59 (+0200), Martin Owens wrote:
> >> Dear Developers,
> >>
> >> Because of the thousands of downloads per week of old inkscape
> >> releases (mostly windows msi files) from the sourceforge account and
> >> because of our successful transition to using our own website with
> >> caching proxy fastly.
> >>
> >> I will be deleting all files from the SourceForge files folder in two
> >> weeks time (June 14th). Please make sure you have any and all files
> >> you wish to back up, and any downloads you want to make available for
> >> your platform available on the website.
> >>
> >> If there are any objections please raise them here and I won't go
> >> ahead with the proposed deletion.
> >
> > It makes me sad to see such a large part of Inkscape's release history
> > (not just the files, but also the timeline, the statistics etc.)
> > completely purged so quickly (on short notice) and so easily (no
> > alternatives).
> >
> > I tend towards objecting the mentioned 'each on his/her own' method
> > (grab them as long as you can) - this is about files going back as far
> > as Feb 2004. IMvHO all files of past releases should be archived by the
> > project itself, not by relying on individuals storing random (local)
> > copies as "backups". Either way all original upload dates, and past
> > download statistics (and the filters to access them) will be lost
> > entirely once the files have been deleted from the project's 'files'
> > folder at
> >
> > If SF continues its current track, I also wonder whether this action
> > won't backfire later on - as in serving as perfect argument for SF to
> > create their own “mirror” for Inkscape packages (based on
> > ), and to enable the
> > "enhanced-installer-with-payload" wrapper for Windows and OS X downloads
> > at will, without the project having any control over the download links
> > and the files hosted in that “mirror”.
> >
> >> This cleanup is mostly to reduce our online search footprint, reduce
> >> confusion with users and prevent users getting hold of old, obsolete
> >> or buggy versions of inkscape. (I've mentioned this cleanup before,
> >> but I wanted to be more proactive and state that I'll do it and take
> >> responsibility)
> >>
> >> Best Regards, Martin Owens
> >>
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> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >
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