On 10/3/07, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
OK, for you power users :) I think I can easily add a toggle to never fork the gradient vectors. It should be easy as it's a change in a single place in the code. But, god forbid, it will NEVER be on the toolbar - we've had enough trouble with people turning on "gradient move" button on the Selector toolbar and forgetting about it, and then complaining about weird behavior. Somewhere deep in the prefs would be OK with me :)
However, to accommodate the needs of users who have relied on sharing the same gradient definition across objects, this behavior can be optionally suppressed. The Prevent sharing of gradient definitions checkbox on the Misc tab of Inkscape Preferences is by default checked; if you uncheck it, Inkscape does not automatically copy gradient definitions for new objects, which means that copy/pasting, duplicating, pasting style, and explicit assignment of a gradient to an object via the Gradient tool controls results in a shared gradient definition, so that changing the colors or mid-stop positions of the gradient on one object (but not changing the coordinates of the end handles) affects all other objects that share the same definition.