Is there a point in the development timeline when non-working features should be disabled in order to (temporarily) resolve non-critical bugs?
I'm thinking of the Save with media to zip archive feature ( ), but perhaps there are others. My feeling is that removing such things is a good way to improve the 'fit-and-finish' of the release...
3 more criticals down! 11 to go. See the prioritized bugs here:
(The clock icons mean they're ones we've milestoned as must-fixes for
0.46; please lend a hand with getting them figured out!)
Pts BugID Assignee Description
3 171593 Diederik Snapping menu items and shortcuts
3 168912 Johan Engelen axonometric grid angle changes with...
12 168588 Johan Engelen assertion failed, file sp-conn-end.cpp
3 171783 Bulia Byak rclk on palette should change outline color
3 171710 JonCruz Sum color dragging color inother
3 171292 --- Transparency reduced pdf export
9 168865 Johan Engelen Crashes applying "Path along path" effect...
3 171803 Johan Engelen Angled Guidelines!
12 168570 Johan Engelen Crash when recreating grid using 'redo'
9 178004 Max Albert assert when saving as plain svg
3 170374 --- perspective/warp transformation envelope
6 168574 --- Grid setup truncate significant figures
12 178803 theAdib Save As... -> filetype "PDF via Cairo" crashes
9 178312 Diederik Global 'Enable snapping' option non-functional
9 177891 Johan Engelen feGaussianBlur crashes when setting fill paint
9 174475 Niko Kiirala feImage renderer crashes on non-external image
12 167416 Diederik Shrinking a pattern causes lock-up
9 172778 Johan Engelen Grid settings not respected when reopening doc
6 167640 Bryce Escaped HTML chars - tooltips show incorrectly
12 168751 --- crash rm text from path w/ text cursor active
12 176018 Kees Cook Cairo render prints nothing; bitmap crashes
12 168097 Mental Crash when using clone as clippath
9 179332 Bryce Teeth number in Gears LPE needs tweaking
180 Goal: 500
Note: Points are not given for bugs fixed as invalid, dupe, or
worksforme, and only for issues that require code changes to fix (not
website, translation, or documentation changes).
Note: Scoring for bugs is based on their Importance: Crit=12, High=9,
Med=6, Low=3, Undecided=3, Wishlist=3.
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