This is really cool. I'm glad that you got it working as input and output extensions.
On Fri, 2005-12-02 at 01:07 +0100, Pim Snel wrote:
I enhanced the first extension, which was able to save a zip archive with svg and images, with an extra extension which is able to read the archive instantly. I changed the zip-extention to .zink which is of course a combination of Zip and Inkscape.
I'd agree with Alan here. I think that ".svg.zip" would probably be better. This would probably assist in interoperability with other tools and will make users understand what they have better.
One thing that I'm curious about, is how we can clean up from the input extension. It sounds like it leaves the files in the temporary directory, which makes sense, but I'd like to be "good citizens" and clean up after ourselves. Does anyone have any ideas on this?