bulia byak escribió:
We already have it, but in document prefs. It's a per-document setting. All unit selectors should obey it; if some don't it's a bug which should be easy to fix.
There is a bug then. If I open Inkscape, go to document prefs and change the units the only thing that changes is the ruler. All the tools stay in pixels. Can you confirm this so I can file a bug?
Most of the users use Inkscape for screen graphics, and for that, px is ideal because 1px corresponds to 1 pixel at 100% zoom and at the default export resolution of 90 dpi.
Yes, I know because I work for screen too (web, video, etc.) I'm not saying to change the default units, they are fine as they are. I'm talking about giving the user a way to change that setting in a persistent manner. Default import/export resolution can be changed in that way using the preferences. Why units aren't? For me, that would be very welcome.
By the way, the snapping settings in a per-document basis is in my oppinion something very annoying. Everytime I start inkscape I have to change the snapping settings. Am I the only one that doesn't like it? What do you think about it?
Regards, Gez.