On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 21:32:12 +0000, Ben Crowell <inkscapecrowell04@...603...> wrote:
IMO it would be more useful to be able to set the default units on a per-user basis, rather than on a per-document basis. The method of storing the preference in a standard piece of stationery requires extra steps from the user. Personally I just want millimeters, always, and never anything but millimeters :-)
I disagree. If I get someone's document and some object there is shown as 127mm wide, this is convenient for me as metric-lover, but I may have no idea why the creator used this particular size. On the other hand, if he used inches and that is saved with the document, I see at once that it is 5 inches wide, which makes more sense. Another example is if someone is drawing a plan of a house and uses meters (or even a country map using kilometers); if I open his plan and see all sizes in points, they will look rather weird. In other words, the units of a document are part of its semantics and should be stored in it.