To preemptively answer anyone concerned about work they've still got under way and whether it's too late - don't panic, at this point we're not looking to put a stop to feature work, just to track it carefully so we can make sure it gets finished in time.
However, time is getting short, so please plan on getting it to a releaseable state within a week or two. If it'll take longer than that, or if you know it's going to add a number of bugs, please consider how we could disable or back it out.
On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 04:38:04PM -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Chill. Development focuses on wrapping up. Identify 'make distcheck' issues Triage bug reports Run an About Screen contest First draft of Release Notes. Update tutorials and other docs
Ted, could you post a listing of recent development work, and collect status from the developers, so we can see if there's any remaining absolutely must-do tasks before we release?