On 17-Nov-2013 08:52, Alex Valavanis wrote:
- libuemf - New contribution [7]: Is there a plan to push this to
distros? Would be good to enable an optional external build
That's my library, and I have no idea how to "push it" in this manner.
Note that most distros already have libemf, but when I tried to use that for Inkscape there were so many pieces missing that I found it easier to start fresh and write my own. At this point in libUEMF's development I am not entirely sure that having to use whatever version a distro might happen to have is a great idea, since I am still finding that a line here or there needs to be tweaked to to solve some issue or the other in Inkscape, at a rate of about once every couple of months. If we were using distro versions fixing these issues would be a bit of a pain.
Also EMF+ is coming along and I am just about ready to start adding that to Inkscape. None of that code is in the libuemf on sourceforge yet.
David Mathog mathog@...1176... Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech